Fingerprints Speaker: Ken Butler

Date: 15/05/14

Time: 6pm

Venue: Gordon Museum


“Fingerprints” Ken Butler Gordon Museum, Guy’s Hospital, 15th May 2014 1 accredited RcPath CPD point

Ken Butler retired in 1996 after 43 years with the Metropolitan Police Service, which included 35 years in the Fingerprint Branch and 4 years in the Criminal Record Office. During his wide ranging fingerprint experience, he specialised in cheque fraud investigation and invented a system of classifying and identifying handwriting on stolen cheques, the success of which led to the creation of the Central Cheque Squad at New Scotland Yard. He was seconded for four years to the Home Office for research and development into Automatic Fingerprint Recognition, later becoming the Metropolitan Police representative on the user group preparing for the National Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS). He was also the Senior Fingerprint Expert attached to Number Six Area Forensic Science Support Unit, based at Kensington Police Station, covering West London.

Throughout his career he has examined hundreds of crime scenes and given evidence in most courts in London. His slide presentation, ‘Fingerprints and before’, illustrates identification methods prior to, and after, the introduction of the ‘Fingerprints’ and cases of personal involvement, such as the Knightsbridge Safe Deposit Centre Robbery in 1987. Ken is a member of the Metropolitan Police History Society and The Friends of the Metropolitan Police Historical Collection. 


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